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our first day in Scotland

I thought we’d never see this sign. We arrived at the Atlanta airport in the early afternoon on July 1, intending to fly Delta to JFK around 5pm, but they evacuated our plane right after bumping me to first class, so we caught another plane, where I again got bumped […]

Netflix is what keeps strangers’ semen from my hands

This weekend, I had a professional conference at Amelia Island, Florida, and I was talking late one evening with a friend’s husband who travels a lot, and he was saying he carries disinfectant wipes with him when he’s on the road, so that he can wipe down hotel remotes when […]

the Hadrian’s Wall walk

Last week, we completed our much-anticipated walk from the Irish Sea to the North Sea along Hadrian’s Wall in northern England, and it was the second life experience (the first one being going to war) I’ve had which I can now describe with the phrase, “I probably wouldn’t choose to […]

Learning History via Netflix and Power Washing

When I was young, I was very interested in the American Civil War.  In fact, after reading “The Killer Angels” in school and later seeing its film version, “Gettysburg,” my family took a vacation in which we visited several of the battlefields, including Bull Run, Antietam, and Gettysburg.  So, when […]

Father’s Day 2016 — Thanks, baby!

Most of us dads are used to being appreciated a bit as Fathers Day approaches, but should we thank our babies for making us dads?  Is that ridiculous or a deep, insightful exercise?  Life of Dad  and Pampers seem to think such an inquiry falls into the latter category.  As […]


I learned about an event in the backyard of one of my favorite writers a couple months ago and decided we’d go to Nashville for Memorial Day weekend.  The problem was that I had to spend a week at Camp Bullis outside San Antonio (Air Force training) and half a […]

Prince – a piano and a microphone

Last week, I saw 2 acts I’ve wanted to see live for 30 years in back to back shows:  Prince and Duran Duran. A week later, we learned Prince died and that his Atlanta shows were his last live performances. (photo from Amiee Stubbs, who was 2 rows in front […]