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Camping and Ziplining at Guntersville State Park

Just over 2 hours from Atlanta is a state park in Alabama a few minutes from where my parents live, and since we had a Screaming Eagle Aerial Adventures rain check (more accurately, a “torrential, lightning-filled, and utterly destructive storm” check) left from Fathers Day weekend, we used it in […]

Columbus Day weekend on the Golden Isles

Every year since passing the Georgia Bar in 2004, I’ve attended the annual workers’ compensation continuing legal education seminar at Saint Simons Island, with the only exception being 2007, when I was keeping you comfortably sleeping under that blanket of freedom you enjoy every night whilst I got mortared over […]

Follow the White Rabbit

Shortly after the lockdown started, we began watching movies in the evenings, and sometimes they were movies I enjoyed 20+ years ago that I couldn’t quite recall whether they’d be appropriate for children or not, but we watched them regardless, and one of those may very well have been “The […]

the attack

She lunged at my face; I raised my arms to shield the attack, and her incisors clenched my right forearm as she shook her head from side to side, driving a canine deep into my flesh near the elbow. I came up to my knees and grabbed at her neck […]

more Covid Camping near Atlanta

My Eagle scout friend Jody (whose ceremony I attended nearly 30 years ago) planned a family camping trip to Cloudland Canyon State Park in northwest GA for his birthday weekend, so being a good friend, I invited myself (plus my 3 children, wife, and dog) to join. We enjoyed it […]

a weekend in Chicago during Covid

I haven’t flown on a non-Delta aircraft in over a decade, but when a travel newsletter I get said American had round-trip flights to Chicago for $49 a few months ago, I bought 5 for the weekend of Sept. 11. Why that date and that city? In 1997, I graduated […]

Zion National Park

I have a National Parks bucket list, and hiking The Narrows and Angels Landing at Zion National Park have been near the top of said list for at least as long as there’s been an Instagram. We concluded our tour of the Utah National Parks with visiting my most anticipated […]

Teaching Kids Empathy

I was supposed to make a video for a brand a few months ago that instructed children how to be more empathetic. The client rejected it for “copyright infringement” and an “inappropriate reference to my giving a golden shower 35 years ago or so.” And so, I’ll just post it […]