the nostalgic nature of Netflix

In honor of the release (or culling) of Netflix’s “heirloom” series of old school shows and movies that I probably watched and now like to show my children, they sent me a box of “Inspector Gadget” t-shirts and sheets for making a fort!

Since my children are gifted (or have the innate quality that most humans carry of being able to deductively reason), they know that any time I get a box in the mail, and the return address says “Netflix” on it, it’s probably something they’ll like.  So, since the box arrived a few days ago, they’ve been asking to be present when I opened it.

The funny thing is, I didn’t even know if they knew who Inspector Gadget was, since I work a lot during the day.  But they did know.  And, upon realizing we all had matching Gadget t-shirts, their glee was audible at least 3 houses up the street, where a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses cowered in a neighbor’s driveway from the perceived drunken banshees in our den.

on sofa w M and O

What tempered their glee, however, was the inclusion of a bluetooth self-portrait monopod (frequently referenced with the “selfie stick” epithet).

selfie stick

They weren’t sure how to react to such a contraption.

That all changed when we built the fort.  Or the tent.  The red thing with the peaks and valleys where we hung out and watched new versions of old TV shows while it was 95 degrees outside.  They loved it!

in tent BL nose

They weren’t ready for that shot, so we took another.

tent shot take 2

Since I didn’t want to memorialize my 6-year-old boy as a walking dead, I gave it a third go.

tent shot take 3


A great way to avoid the hell that is an Atlanta afternoon in mid-June without a swimming pool!


  1. Pretty Bride

    Haha!! I cant believe I was in the next room and didn’t realize the depths of the shenanigans going on in there. Babies!!

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