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Havana Vieja

Friday morning after breakfast, I wanted an internet card to check email on my phone, so we started walking toward the Hotel Nacional when a local named Reynoldo told us we could get half-priced cigars just down the street, because it was a cigar holiday today! But only until noon. […]

our first day in Havana

Get this. From Atlanta, you can fly 90 minutes and land in a parallel world. It has 2 currencies: the CUP for locals (featuring faces and colors); the CUC for tourists (featuring statues and shades of brown). Doctors, engineers, and teachers forgo their $60/month, $40/month, and $20/month salaries to buy […]

4 days in the Bahamas

When I read Bob Goff’s “Love Does” several years ago, I decided to steal his idea of letting each child choose an adventure to take anywhere in the world upon turning 10 years old, but we decided to modify it a bit and let the other 4 of us tag […]

2019’s trip to Saint Simons Island

My annual workers’ comp law conference didn’t coincide with Columbus Day weekend this year, so we didn’t get a 5-day weekend like last year, but we made time for our 8th annual photo on the Gnat’s Landing bulldog, and I won some great bottles of Four Roses and a weekend […]

Happy Halloween from Springfield

Even though the boy threatens to make this our last year to have a family-themed costume each of the past recent years, we’ve fended off such desires another year–this is Year Eight of such tomfoolery! Happy Halloween.

the Temples of Abu Simbel

We boarded a passenger van for the 3hr drive to Abul Simbel from Aswan at the crack of dawn, so that we’d beat the groups of tourists flying there (and to beat the nearly 120-degree-temperatures). When we arrived, it was immediately obvious why the place is so popular. It’s next […]

Aswan, Egypt

We landed in Aswan at 9:30am. We went straight from the airport to the Nile River, where we boarded a small boat piloted by a child to Isis Temple at Philae. This was our first temple in Egypt; my bride and I were amazed at how well the carvings had […]

glamping in the Smokies

We spent last weekend in a giant tent with a bed, hardwood floors, a shower, and a bathroom next to Great Smoky Mountains National Park; the children were in a much smaller teepee (called a “hive”) 20 feet away. This was how my bride wished to spend the weekend following […]

Ramadan in Cairo

After 8 hours to Rome and another 4 to Cairo, a friendly brown-skinned man met us to take us to baggage claim, looked incredulous when we told him we didn’t need such a stop, led us through passport control, into a van, and to our hotel. Shortly after, the guide […]