
The youngest is 5!

Our youngest child turned 5 on May 8 and will be starting kindergarten in the fall, meaning all our children will be at the same school for the first time ever, and none will require tuition!  So that’s nice.

On the morning of her birthday, she got up and made a jellyfish, as one should do on any birthday of significance.

She later had a piece of cake with 5 candles on it.

And a few days later, did a ballerina performance at her preschool.

And modeled the t-shirt her grandmother gave her.

This post is a few weeks late (but at least I published it within the correct month!), so I can already say that she’s taking her new role as a 5-year-old seriously.  Gone are any habits, mannerisms, and verbal gaffes one might expect to see in a preschooler, as all have been replaced by behavior exclusively expected of an elementary schoolkid.

I’m just hoping this process slows down this summer.

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